Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Over, Are You Surprised?

It's over. The election that seemed to take forever is finally over. What in the world are the news networks going to cover now? Heck, what reason do I have to watch cable news anymore?

You have to give Obama his due for running a very disciplined campaign - even if, in my opinion, that discipline involved some complete about-faces on issues like campaign finance, terrorist surveillance, what church you go to, etc. He ran a good campaign, he stayed on message (even if that message seemed unbelievable at times - really, two years ago who would have taken you seriously if you said that McCain was a Bush clone?). And most of all, he raised a butt-load of money, even if there are a few questions surrounding some of those contributions.

In contrast, McCain's campaign seemed content to jump from one line of attack to another every other day, rather than pick one and use it doggedly (think: "Bush-McCain policies," "flip-flopper"). It seems rather obvious to me, but I don't run political campaigns, so what do I know?

So, now that Obama has won, here are the things I look forward to:
1) Paying more in taxes (c'mon, you knew that was coming).
2) No longer having to hear George W. Bush take the blame for everything that is wrong in the world. Well, strictly speaking I guess you can still blame him, but it's less forceful when he's not the POTUS.
3) Not having to hear John McCain use the term "my friends" ever again.
4) The complete eradication of all special interest/big money influence in politics (tongue planted firmly in cheek).
5) A "major speech" on some topic or another every two weeks.
6) Any speech by Joe Biden. That guy is going to be comic gold for the next four years.
7) The complete turnaround of the economy in the first 100 days of the Obama presidency.
8) The bipartisan efforts that, up until this point in his political career, have been completely non-existent.

Now, looking back, these are the things I would like to point out that did NOT happen:
1) The Republicans did not cheat and/or steal the election. There were no massive instances of voter suppression or intimidation.
2) Bush did not declare martial law and postpone the election,
3) There was not a terrorist attack right before the election (secretly planned by Bush, of course) that would swing the vote to John McCain.
4) There was no rioting in the streets by angry Republicans when it was clear that McCain would lose. Somehow, I think if the tables were turned it might have been different.

It's almost like all those loony predictions made by the left-wing moonbats over the last eight years were just that, loony. Playing on our fears (where have we heard of a party doing *that* before?).

And lastly, here are the things I'll miss about George W. Bush:
1) His goofiness. I find it endearing. Really.
2) The way he shakes when he laughs.
3) The way he gives nicknames to *everybody*. I want a nickname, just not "Brownie".
4) His vacations. Man, I want his benefits package.
5) The movies, newspaper articles, cable news shows, et.al. railing against him and basically making him out to be Satan incarnate.
6) His daughters. So long, Jenna and the other one.

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